sassymamas online magazine

‘5 things in my handbag interview’ with Lisa Guglielmino

Lisamaree of

has been a Health and Fitness instructor and presenter for 25 years. “Yes. Beginning at 18 years old, back in the legwarmers and G-string era” .

Some Queenslanders may remember her as Lisa Knight, Queensland State Aerobic Champion in 1990 & 1991. (pre-motherhood). Now, with 2 very energetic boys and an even more energetic husband she specialises in fitness that takes less sweat and more thought such as Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates, and meditation. So with so many different areas of knowledge under her high heels, Lisa has a wide stretching business devoted to “enriching the lives of women and their families”.’ gives me the opportunity to meet more women than ever before. You can find advice, skin analysis, health questionaires, natural and botanical skincare, family health, relaxation tips.” Lisa says.

lisakids2501Why do women use your products instead of a retail product?“Exceptional quality and results you can rave about to your friends, at an affordable no overheads price. I had to find amazing natural products, that I feel confident will actually do what they promise. If a woman is going to invest 5 minutes of her busy day, there has to be real results fast! “


 We’ve all got a list an arm’s length long of what we carry in our totes & bags, but ‘what can’t you DO WITHOUT in your handbag’, Lisa?

lippy21….Grace moisturising Lippy – Even if I look a mess from 3 fitness classes and personal consultations, I can throw on my sunnies and my favourite lippy will save the day. Enriched with Aloe Vera, it’s long lasting and hydrates your lips too.


in-the-bag12…handbag organiser , – I don’t have to put up with the same hand bag everyday. I can switch bags in 10 seconds with this removable insert. I LOVE IT!

3…..My Diary
I write everything in it. Phone numbers, notes, shopping list. I couldn’t possibly survive without it because I’m big on writing lists.

sunscreen14…..Sunscreen – it wasn’t until I started using my Aloe enriched sunscreen that I realised what a huge difference it makes over time. Not a normal slippery, gluggy sunscreen. This one feels like a moisturiser, so my makeup doesn’t slide off.

banana15……snacks – Got to have a handy piece of fruit ready. Otherwise I’ll resort to naughty foods. A banana is the best takeaway food out there.

And your fav current product promo at the moment?

Changing bags has never been easier with the new GRACE ‘IN THE BAG’

• Organise all the things in your handbag with this removable bag organiser that fits neatly inside your handbag.

• Allows you to switch bags in a flash in-the-bag2

Measures 28cm wide x 17cm deep



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